Jesus Inn History
How It All Started:
The Jesus Inn was started in June of 1972 as a transient ministry to street people and new Christians. Many of these new converts were homeless. Over a period of time the work developed into a rehabilitation home for young men. In 1975, a house across the street to accommodate women was acquired with the same vision – to minister to young women who were in need of oversight and help in growing in Christ.
Since that time, the Lord has done a truly miraculous work through this ministry. In twenty years, over a thousand people passed through the ministry, many of them are now in the work of the Lord. Others have established fine Christian homes and are continuing to fellowship and follow the Lord.
The live-in ministry provided an atmosphere of growth, discipline and God’s love. The washing of the water of the Word (Ephesians 5:2b) was evident as those who were mentally oppressed were released and restored in the Lord. The success rate was phenomenal!
The rehabilitation ministry included those bound by drugs, alcohol, occult, sexual perversion and mental & spiritual affliction. We found that the Word of God and prayer are essential for the healing of the whole man. The ministry provided an atmosphere of healing, with Bible study, prayer time, personal counseling, fellowship and the opportunity to share one’s faith for the healing of mind, body and spirit. This program, a five-day-a-week schedule including vocational rehabilitation, mixed with much love, understanding, prayer and personal counseling brought healing to multitudes of people.
Christian Growth/Discipleship:
Christian workers were also trained and apprenticed in conjunction with our rehabilitative work. We maintained an on-going work on the streets where we were able, both through teaching and training, to equip Christian workers for the ministry. These included those who lived in the ministry as counselors and workers and those who attended our Bible study programs. Outreach ministries included: Prisons, evangelism, rehabilitation, teaching seminars & workshops as well as drama and music teams.
National Minist
ry - Prisons/Jails/Treatment Centers:
The year 1976 brought a new blessing and task in the birth of the prison ministry and outreach. With a couple of guitars, Gordon Wright, Terry Hazen and Phillip Barnard went to Lexington Treatment Center. The response was overwhelming. Shortly thereafter, a musical group was formed, and with much prayer paving the way, the "New Day Sonshine" Band launched out into Oklahoma's prisons, jails and treatment centers. The band did concert services, followed with Bible studies, discipleship classes and personal follow-up. A handful of believers behind bars rapidly multiplied into the hundreds.
National Ministry –
Our main evangelistic thrusts were on the streets. We had a Christian Drama team, “The Street Players” which performed on the streets, in churches, prisons, schools and parks to communicate the gospel. We were at such local Tulsa gatherings as the Mayfest, Oktoberfest, Raft Race, various rock concerts and other events which gather large crowds. Wherever there was a large gathering of people, we used it as an opportunity to present the gospel with music, drama, preaching and tract distribution.